Manuscript Preparation

Preparation of Manuscript

Types of Manuscript

   1) Research Articles are full-length expositions of extensive and significant experimental and/or theoretical studies. The paper should clearly describe the reason for undertaking the work, the present methods used, and the results found in separate sections. Scientific interpretations based on the findings should be presented in a discussion section.


   2) Research Notes or Short Communications are complete, self-contained papers. In style and presentation, they should conform to that laid down for manuscripts but the length should not exceed 4 printed pages in the Journal including tables and figures.


   3) Topical or Review Articles are studies on areas of interest to readers of the journal. They may also be "state of the art" reports or communications. A review article is an analysis and collection of the current state of the research on a particular topic. A review article is not an original article with new data or findings but represents:

  • The main people working in a field
  • Recent major advances and discoveries
  • Significant gaps in the research
  • Current debates
  • Ideas of where research might go next

       The author of the review article reviews the history of the most recent research in the field with comparative and critical insight, His/Her research is also reviewed. He/She emphasizes the strengths and weaknesses of each. In conclusion of the manuscript, his recommendations for fixing previous studies and suggestions for new research and new Road maps in the field must be included.


       Note:  According to IJCCE's policy, these manuscripts must be written by famous Profs in areas of interest to the journal's readers, and some of the main references of the manuscript must be from the corresponding author of the article.   


     All review articles, even if invited, undergo the same peer review and editorial process as original research reports. These papers are peer-reviewed and are accepted based on technical accuracy, importance, and readability. 


Manuscript Structure

For general style, consult recent issues of the Journal. Manuscripts should be typed in one-column style on A4 paper with 1.5 spacing. Each page should be numbered.

The paper should clearly describe the reason for undertaking the work, and present methods used and the results found and scientific interpretations based on the findings should be presented in the "Results and Discussion" section the "Conclusions" section is an essential part of the manuscript.


It is suggested that the authors prepare their manuscripts in the following manner: 
  •  Title
  •  Names, work, and email addresses of authors
  •  Abstract (or Summary)
  •  Keywords
  •  Introduction
  •  Experimental and/or Theoretical Section
  •  Results and Discussion
  •  Conclusions
  •  Nomenclatures
  •  Acknowledgments (if required)
  •  References



Use specific and informative titles; they should be as brief as possible (up to 12 words), consistent with the need for defining the subject area covered by the paper, and for indexing and retrieval purposes.

(Use Times New Roman Font, Size 18 Bold).



Be consistent in authorship designation. Use first name, second initial, surname, and email address. Field of Study and Academic Degree must be included. Give the complete mailing address (Department, Faculty, University, City, COUNTRY) of the laboratory or organization where work was conducted. If the current address is different, include it in a footnote on the title page.

The name of the author to whom inquiries about the paper should be addressed (Corresponding Author) must be indicated with an asterisk. (Use Times New Roman Font, Size 10, the address must be Italic).



The abstract should be a clear, concise summary (100 to 300 words with no abbreviations)-informative rather than descriptive-giving the scope and purpose, methods or procedures, significant new results, and conclusions.

(Use Time New Roman Font, Size 10 Italic).



3 to 6 keywords should be provided on the title page. These words must be used in the abstract.

(Use Times New Roman Font, Size 10, Italic).



The manuscript should have a short introduction including a brief literature survey report with enough references to previous works on the subject. In the last paragraph of the Introduction, the author should state the reasons for the work.


Experimental Section

This should be presented as a clear and detailed description of the experiment's procedure and analytical conditions to enable readers to carry out similar work. Sample preparation procedures must be clear and repeatable.

Supplier name, model, and configuration details of equipment used and data handling methods.

Specify names, detailed specifications, and sources of the agents and chemicals. 


Results and Discussion

The original and important findings should be stated and discussed and must be compared with previous results.



This section consists of a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings of the article.



The text of articles submitted must be concise and in a readily understandable style. The technical description of the methods used should only be given in detail when such methods are new. The essential contents of each paper should be briefly recapitulated in an abstract.

Assume the reader is not a novice in the field. Include only as much history as is needed to provide background for the particular material covered in your paper. Sectionalize the article and insert appropriate headings. Do not use numbering for sections.

(Use Times New Roman Font, Size 10, Bold, Caps lock; Size 10, Bold & Italic; Size 10, Italic, respectively for sections and subsections headings and Size 10 for typing the text).

All typescripts (including the references) must carefully be checked for errors before submission. Failure to observe this may result in some delay in publication.



Type all equations and formulas clearly (Use Equation Editor in Microsoft Word, Not scans of them!). Number equations consecutively by using Arabic numerals. Place superscripts and subscripts accurately Don't use Equations in the "Abstract" or "Keywords" sections.

Structural formulas and Chemical Equations should be drawn in Chem. Office or similar software. All symbols used must be clearly defined.

If the number of symbols used is small, it is permissible to define these in the text where it first occurs. If the number is large, a separate table of notation must be prepared Roman symbols should be listed in the table first, tan Greek.


Systems of Units

You Should follow the Systeme International d' Unites (SI) for all dimensional quantities.



Avoid tables and graphs that involve superfluous duplication of data. Substitute a few typical results for lengthy tables when practical. Number tables in order of mention in the text. Use each Table of your manuscript in the appropriate place and after referring to it. Do not give them in a separate file(s) or at the end of the manuscript. Use Table tools of Microsoft Word for establishing the Tables.

(Use Times New Roman Font, Size 9, Bold & Italic for Table's Contents and Size 8 for Captions). Captions must be typed up in each table.



The figures should be carefully designed and prepared in a form suitable for direct reproduction. All lettering should be ready for a size that can be read after reduction. Label the axes outside the graph correctly Number all illustrations consecutively. Use each Figure of your manuscript in the appropriate place and after referring to it. Do not give them in a separate file(s) or at the end of the manuscript.

(Use Times New Roman Font, Size 10).

Type a caption under each Figure in Times New Roman Font, Size 9, Bold Italic. Original drawings of graphs and diagrams and photographs should be provided when the manuscript is submitted.


Supplementary Materials

Occasionally, manuscripts include extensive tables, graphs, spectra, mathematical material, or other "supplementary Information" that are of value primarily to those readers who need all of the data or details. Refer to the supplementary materials in the text where appropriate and include a paragraph at the end of the paper indicating the nature of the supplementary materials, using the following format: "Supplementary Information Available: Description of material (no. of pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page".


Literature Cited

Note: If it is possible and you may want, please refer to the recently published articles (since 2020) in this journal ( in your revised manuscript.

References should be listed on a separate sheet in numerical order according to their order of appearance in the text. (Do not use "Anonymous"). Establish HyperLink for the title of each paper or book if it is available. Typical citations are illustrated below:


[6] Shamsipur M., Bahrami Adeh N., Hajitarverdi M.S., Yazdimamagan M., Zarei F., Influence of Micro Silica a Mechanical Properties of Plasticized Sulfur Composites, Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. (IJCCE), 32(3):1-7 (2013).


[16] Harriott P., "Chemical Reactor Design", Marcel Dekker INC, New-Yorck (2003).