General Information

Iranian Journal of

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE)


Aims and Scopes

The aim of the Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) is to foster the growth of educational, scientific, and industrial research activities among chemists and chemical engineers and to provide a medium for mutual communication between the Iranian academia, and the industry on the one hand, and the world scientific community on the other.

The Journal welcomes unpublished original research articles; research notes or short communications, and topical or interpretative review articles in all established areas of chemistry, chemical engineering, and related fields in English.



Publication of the Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) began in 1982 by ACECR in Persian. From 1987 to 1997 it was published in bilingual (Persian & English). Since 1997, it has been published as a separate International Journal in English, semi-annually up to 2004, and since 2005 quarterly. from 2017 bimonthly and since 2022 monthly.

Currently, it is published monthly by the Iranian Research Institute of Development in Chemical Industries (IRDCI)-ACECR as an International Journal.



Journal is covered in the Science Citation Index, Expanded by ISI. Chemical Abstracts, SCOPUS, DOAJ, Scientific Information Database (SID), Islamic World Science Citation (ISC), Iran Journals Database (MagIran).


Online Submission

Authors should submit their manuscripts online. Please follow the hyperlink "Submit Paper" and upload your manuscript's files. Manuscript Main Full Text Word & PDF Files which contain all parts (Abstract, Main Text, each Table and Figure in the appreciate place, References,...) and the file of Research Highlights are required.



Authors are requested to call special attention to both their manuscripts and their correspondence with the editors to safety considerations such as explosive tendencies, special precautionary handling procedures, and toxicity. No responsibility of IJCCE Publisher is assumed for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of product liability, negligence, or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. 


Obligations of the authors:

  - The authors should confirm that all authors have read, checked, and approved the manuscript and agreed to its submission. They are asked to submit a statement to the journal office to confirm that the submitted paper (mention the Title of the paper) is the author(s) original work, and the contents have not been copyrighted or have not been published previously, it is not being submitted elsewhere, nor it will be published anywhere in any language upon its acceptance or rejection. 

  - Authors accept that they can not change the authors of the manuscript ( Adding or omitting, Affiliation, Sequence, Corresponding author, ...) 

  - Major alterations are not accepted. Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, exclusive copyright in the paper shall be assigned to the publisher. Under no circumstance, the articles received will not be returned to the authors. The publisher will not put any limitation on the personal freedom of the author to use the material contained in the paper in other works. 

 - The publisher of IJCCE and its editors assume no responsibility for statements and opinions advanced by contributors. The Authors are responsible for copyright permission to use the Software, Standards, Patents, etc. 

 - Authors must provide at least 3 expert referees preferably from Europe or North American countries. (Not from your university). 

 - For the manuscript taken from academic studies, the corresponding author must be the professor of the thesis. 


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