The effects of sourdough, bakery yeast, sodium bicarbonate on the production of volatile and aromatic compounds in three types of traditional Iranian breads

Document Type : Research Article


1 Food science , pharmaceutical,Islamic azad university, lean, Tehran

2 Department of Food Science and Technology, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Lavash, taftoon, and barbari breads are the favorite bread for Iranian people. There are various methods to process dough for bread production. In many parts of the world, dried active yeast (Sacharomyces Cerevisiae), sourdough , and chemical agents are used to produce dough of the bread. In this study, sourdough, bakery yeast, sodium bicarbonate, and a combination of bakery yeast, and sodium bicarbonate were used to produce dough of Lavash, Taftoon, and Barbari bread. Volatile compounds of Bread samples were extracted by solid-phase micro-extraction SPME method and were identified using GC-MS method. Generally most volatile compounds were observed in barbari bread. Most of these compounds in traditional Iranian bread were aldehydes (especially, 2-methyl butanal, 3-methyl butanal and hexanal), alcohols (such as ethanol), ketones (such as, Butanone), furans (such as 2-methyl furan and 3-methyl furan) and aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. The identified most volatile compounds in lavash bread LY, LS, LB and LYB were 3-methyl butanal, ethanol, benzen 1,3 dimethyl, and furan 2-methyl, in Tafton bread TY, TS, TB, TYB were furan 2-methyl, 3-methyl butanal, pentane, and 2-methyl butanal, and in Barbari bread BY, BS, BB and BYB were ethyl acetate, furan 2-methyl, furan 2-methyl, and ethanol respectively.


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