Characterization of the Products Obtained in Coal Pyrolysis: A Case study of Some Pakistani Coals

Document Type : Research Note


1 National Center of Excellence in Physical Chemistry, University of Peshawar, Peshawar 25120, PAKISTAN

2 Health Physics Division, Pinstech, Islamabad, PAKISTAN

3 Islamia College, Peshawar, PAKISTAN


Thermal decomposition of two coal samples obtained from Top Seam Sibi (TSS) and Sore Range Quetta (SRQ) coal fields in their raw and acid washed forms were carried out in an open type tubular pyrolyzer coupled to a gas chromatograph with FID. Elemental analyses were carried out with Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-rays (SEM-EDX) analyzer. Effect of inherent mineral contents on the yields of pyrolysis products was investigated using acid washed coal samples. It was observed that total volatiles decreased as compared to raw form samples. Deductions in tar and liquid fractions were observed for both the acid washed Top Seam Sibi and Sore Range Quetta coals as compared to their raw forms where as an increase in the gas yield was noted in both the cases.


Main Subjects

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