Treatment of Textile Waste Water with Organoclay

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Chemistry, Kermanshah Branch of ACECR, Kermanshah, I.R. IRAN


In this study a sample of bentonite obtained from Semnan mines, was modified by a surfactant to prepare an organoclay with high surface area. BET analysis showed that the modification increased its surface significantly. The prepared sorbent was used for removal of dyes and other organic pollutants from a waste water obtained from Ekbatan textile company. Adsorption was studied in various times to obtain the saturation time. pH variation has significant effect on adsorption and led to variation of adsorbed pollutant. At pH=4.5 the pollutant concentration became minimum which showed the pH is optimum pH for adsorption. Increasing the sorbent to waste solution ratio up to 1.2 g/L also increased the sorption. Adsorption isotherm was investigated for fitting with Langmuir isotherm and it has good fitness.  


Main Subjects

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